Wart Ch.2
Chapter 2
Wart's lifeless body hit the bottom of the creek bed with a thump. The sound reverberated throughout the water. Most animals ignored the sound. Animals die every day, and you just can't get hung up on stuff like that.
But one animal heard the sound and did not ignore it. King Hudo's daughter, Princess Heda, was splashing about in nearby waters when Wart sank to the bottom. Naturally curious and slightly rebellious, she snuck out under the watch of her guards to find the source of the sound.
At first, she did not see anything, for the waters were very murky. It could have been a rock falling in the water. But soon she saw Wart's gradiose body, and she was fascinated by this half hog, half fish creature. She recognized him immediately as the one who had saved her brother. She took pity on him and without hesitation, removed a tiny pearl, no bigger than the point on a needle, from under her left fin.
All royal salmon have magical powers. King Hudo's power was compassion and strength. Princess Heda, while not terribly strong, was gifted with the power to heal. And so she took a magic pearl from under her fin and placed it gently in Wart's mouth. Since he was dead and therefore, not very able to swallow, she had to push against his jaw with all her might. (Which, by the way, was a lot of might, since she was not terribly strong.) But down the hatch the pearl went, and the princess sat and waited.
And waited.
And waited.
After a long time, nothing happened. She began to wonder what was taking so long. Perhaps the pearl got stuck on his tongue? So she opened his jaw and peered into his mouth for a closer look. (Remember, she was very curious and slightly rebellious). Deeper and deeper down his throat she peered. Suddenty, the walls of his body shook, and she heard a scream.
So she leapt out of Wart's mouth, and found herself staring into his frightened eyes. And also screamed.
He blinked a few times, wiped his eyes, and squinted at the little fish creature who was now trembling behind a rock.
"Who are you? Where am I? Am I dead?" Wart asked.
Princess Heda relaxed. She could tell he would do her no harm.
"No silly, you are not dead. Well, not anymore. I've rescued you," she said proudly, puffing out her little chest.
"Well then, if that is true, I owe you my life."
"That won't be necessary," she replied. "You've already saved my brother's life. I am merely returning the favor."
"Ah," he said. "You must be King Hudo's daughter?"
"That I am!" she smiled, puffing out her chest even more. "My name is Princess Heda, and I have the power to heal. Although...although I am not very strong, and frankly trying to heal you took a lot of energy out of me. I feel quite faint."
"Hmm..." thought Wart. "I'm no good at swimming. But if you'll teach me, I could bear you on my back!"
"That is a terrific idea!" the princess exclaimed. And she began to pull and tug on Wart's fins to show him how to swim (which was not very easy, as he was very fat and she was very tired. This took some team effort.) But pretty soon, Wart could at least paddle the water comfortably, and he gently placed Princess Heda on his back with his snout.
"Where to?" he asked.